Phone Number: 01575 574 157

Mobile Number: 07831 626 023

Certified professionals

At Glen Isla Tree Climbers, we provide quality tree care services, specialising in building osprey nesting platforms. Based in Angus, we carry out work throughout Scotland.

General Gallery

2no mature Lime after crown reduction work having been carried out

Removal/Dismantle of Scots pine suffering fungal root decay

A 40m European Silver Fir being dismantled in Perthshire, posing a risk to adjacent properties.

osprey nest maintenance
tree dismantling
tree dismantling in dalguise perthshire
Tree shaping and pruning
Dead wooding

On site dismantling

Fir Stem felled safely, showing stump with a neat cut.

Dismantling of a European silver fir 

Dismantling of a European silver fir

 Second view of fir Stem felled safely, showing stump with a neat cut.

Apple tree

The below images are of an apple tree in Brechin, Angus. The left image is prior to any work, and the right side image is after work had been completed by Glen Isla tree climbers

European Larch

The images below are of a mature European Larch. It was twin stemmed with a compression fork, this included bark and a stress facture from union to the base of the tree. Due to a risk of failure Glen Isla tree climbers had to remove it for safety. From left to right is this removal in stages. 

Crown reduction

Scots pine at around 25% reduction in Perthshire.

European Larch Job Videos

Below are also videos of the removal of the European Larch 

Video Gallery